Start your baking business and grow it with confidence. The Business School for Bakers is an 8 week online business program tailored perfectly for self-employed bakers.
The Business School For Bakers will teach you the fundamental principles and business strategy to unlock the next level of success and profit. Program access includes: Video lesson, weekly action guide, micro classes, workbooks, and template downloads. Build your baking biz with confidence, clarity, & control

Meet your instructor Brette Hawks. Brette is the proud owner of two home-based bakery brands. Bachelor's degree in food science industry management. 10 years experience in the food industry. With a strong background in business and plenty of experience running a business while caring for her three little boys, Brette is well equipped to mentor you through every phase of building your baking business. She makes understanding complex business principles as easy as following a recipe.
The Business School for Bakers. Everything you need to know is on the other side of getting started. Weekly Schedule: Week 1 Mindset. Step into the shoes of a CEO and learn to think like an entrepreneur. Week 2 Business Planning. Lay a solid foundation for your business to grow. Week 3 Product. Nail your product and improve your production efficiency. Week 4 Pricing. Everything pricing. 'nuff said. Week 6 customer experience. Build trust with your customers so that booking is an easy "yes". Week 7 Finances. How to manage your cash flow, forecast profits, and plan for taxes. Week 8 final lesson. Let's bring it all together.

Frequently Asked questions: what's inside the business school for bakers? the business school for bakers is a goldmine of business learning content in various forms

Is the business school for bakers applicable to bakers outside the united states? Yes! The classes and principles taught in the Business School for Bakers are relevant and powerful no matter where you live. There are a few modules, like the Legal Requirements and Tax lesson, that are U.S. specific. Is this a live class or pre-recorded? This is a self-guided program. Once you enroll, you will receive access to all the classes, modules, lessons, and workbooks. The program is built to be followed chronologically, but also made to be accessible by topic, so you can access information as needed. What is the weekly time commitment? About 30 minutes a day will easily get you through the BSB weekly content (2-3 hours a week. Each weekly lesson includes about 1-2 hours of video lesson content. Allow an extra 30-60 minutes a week to complete the action guide and implement the learning principles to your business.

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